Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm back....

Now that I've retrained myself on using Blogger, I'll reintroduce myself with a couple of photos from recent journeys. One of them (on the right) is from the Oregon coast, at arguably the westernmost point of the lower 48 US states, Cape Blanco Lighthouse near Port Orford. It is in competition with Cape Flattery in Washington state for the designation "westernmost point". It's amazing that there's disagreement over the placement of land, but it shows we can disagree over everything.
Another image (the one on the left) comes by way of Melba, Idaho, where my friend John, a recently retired art professor, loves to come to paint and sketch the farmland scenery and several buttes that dot the area. Melba is quite possibly the seed capital of the US and the farmland is quite striking. I really enjoy looking at the shades of color when in the high desert environment and I think this picture brings out some of the shadings.

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