Monday, September 27, 2010


Trying something new...

We're having an afternoon book club every day at the house. After a nice wander around Borders at the mall yesterday, I selected a short read for my book choice: War and Peace. I taught a Russian culture course many, many years ago and read a few Russian authors such as Turgenev for the course, but I have not kept up with my Russian studies since that time (1994?). Here's a perfect opportunity! I'm looking forward to falling into one of the greatest novels.

At the same time, I'm finishing The State of Jones, an eye-opener of a book about Newton Knight, leader of Unionists in the piney woods of Mississippi. He avoids his Confederate brethren and stays loyal to the Stars and Stripes as opposed to the Stars and Bars, nearly paying his life for his loyalty. Breathtakingly courageous.....

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Cat is on the Roof

Once again, after a period of time when much has changed in my life, I am entering the blogging world. Armed with a refreshed outlook, my dangling participles will shock and awe your blocking metaphor brain stem :)

More to say from on high as the days proceed....

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