Thursday, March 28, 2013


Some New Wines

Here are a few wines that my wife Christy and I have enjoyed recently, all of which are under $15:

(1) Ludovicus D.O. Terra Alta Celler Pinol 2010: It's quite the combination of grapes (garnacha, syrah, carinena, tempranillo, and merlot) from Batea, Tarragona in Spain.  Punchy, with an equally big finish for a Spanish wine, which tend not to be big.  

(2) Vina Eguia Rioja 2008: More like Spanish wines, mainly tempranillo grapes, and has a pretty good woody taste.

(3) Protocolo Rioja 2010: A lot of cherry, for some reason, in this Villarta-Cuenca blend.  Great value.

(4) Chateau Camelot La Chapelle Bordeaux 2009: We had a split verdict on this mild palette.  I like a bit of subtlety now and again and I detected some vine root and flowers.  Christy didn't detect a thing in it.

(5) Mont Pellier Merlot 2010: A broad California appellation so the grapes are from everywhere, but this one was under $10 and well worth the time.  All merlot, all the time.

(6) Petit Pinotage 2011: The real find at $14.99 at Bueno Cheapo Vino.  Pinotage is not for everyone but it's definitely for us.  You basically taste soil straight away, and from Ken Forrester Wines, Stellenbosch, South Africa, it's unmistakably South African in its linger and exploding smoke.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


My new novel...

My new novel, exclusively on Twitter, is titled A Fur Piece and will be finished by December.  The main characters are forecasters who wind up with more than they bargain for in their prognostications.  Most anything can, and will, happen to them, despite their belief in humanity's deterministic patterns of living.  Installments of A Fur Piece are available nearly every day, @rburkha, #AFurPiece.  Happy reading and feel free to send me any reactions, either DM if you follow me on Twitter, or to my email

Thursday, March 07, 2013


My Publisher Told Me, You'd Better Shop Around

Les Alm and I have been published in the American Review of Canadian Studies, on a comparison of views of the borderlands between residents of the cities of Duluth and Thunder Bay, and the Sault Ste Maries.  As a way of publicizing the piece, here's a link to the article:

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