Wednesday, January 03, 2018


End of the Project

With a new year at hand, all good projects come to a close, and this one is a forced ending, in that the Gallup polling organization will no longer issue daily presidential approval ratings. Instead, it will switch to weekly presidential approval ratings. I will continue to gather data on a weekly basis, but that will yield a much smaller sample size and miss the ups and downs of prices and approval. 

For now, here's the data analysis. Enjoy! 

Pearson correlation of daily gas prices and President Trump approval from 1 April 2017 through 30 December 2017 = -.324, N = 343. As President Trump's approval increased, gas prices modestly decreased, though this is most likely coincidental with the seasonal dip in gas prices.

Monthly Pearson correlations:
April = .425
May = .417
June = -.037
July = .102
August = -.535
September = -.146
October = .651
November = .262
December = -.675

This shows the monthly volatility in gas prices. President Trump's approval has been on a gradual decline over the months.

Monthly average Trump approval:
April = 40.633
May = 39.806
June = 37.933
July = 38.065
August = 35.867
September = 37.333
October = 36.667
November = 37.500
December = 36.333


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