Wednesday, January 03, 2018
End of the Project

For now, here's the data analysis. Enjoy!
Pearson correlation of daily gas prices and President Trump approval from 1 April 2017 through 30 December 2017 = -.324, N = 343. As President Trump's approval increased, gas prices modestly decreased, though this is most likely coincidental with the seasonal dip in gas prices.
Monthly Pearson correlations:
April = .425
May = .417
June = -.037
July = .102
August = -.535
September = -.146
October = .651
November = .262
December = -.675
This shows the monthly volatility in gas prices. President Trump's approval has been on a gradual decline over the months.
Monthly average Trump approval:
April = 40.633
May = 39.806
June = 37.933
July = 38.065
August = 35.867
September = 37.333
October = 36.667
November = 37.500
December = 36.333